Monday, February 25, 2008

What Independants see in Obama

Stephen F. Hayes at the WSJ had a great piece today looking at how Obama has been able to keep his independent and republican backers while still being the most liberal voting member of senate. Something that both Hillary and increasingly McCain are blind to.

In the end, Mr. Obama is simply campaigning for office in the same way he says he would operate if he were elected. "We're not looking for a chief operating officer when we select a president," he said during a question and answer session at Google headquarters back in December.

"What we're looking for is somebody who will chart a course and say: Here is where America needs to go -- here is how to solve our energy crisis, here's how we need to revamp our education system -- and then gather the talent together and then mobilize that talent to achieve that goal. And to inspire a sense of hope and possibility."

Like Ronald Reagan did.

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