Friday, February 29, 2008


Steve Benen over at The Carpet Bagger Report has a good catch that the Clinton Campaign is thinking about a lawsuit if they find a way that it could help them. Though the media is picking this up they are not putting this together with the lawsuit threatened in Nevada. The Clinton campaign has a history of thinking in terms of using every last tool at their disposal to win. Ironically this is why they are losing.

Obama hasn't touched many of the obvious knocks on the Clinton campaign past or present. Keeping himself far above the grasping that the Clinton campaign is doing. This has been since the beginning and it's one of the big reasons he's attractive to a wider group. I think the Clinton campaign thinks no one hears about this or notices. They are wrong, people hear and read snipets of all the stories. If one of those stories is "Clinton explores lawsuit" they put that with other information that looks more like Clinton is going to be divisive and Obama is a uniter. The press has already covered how similar their positions. What's left is the person and style. Obama is everything that Bush is not and Clinton hasn't done enough to make that disparity. You'll also notice that the Obama campaign very subtly identifies the two. She voted for the war, she's the politics of the past. All of the points the Obama campaign is putting forward is about the differences between he and Clinton, but he and Bush. It has to be subtle to work and they are doing an amazing job of it.

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